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The ABCs of Supervising Others


The ABCs of Supervising Others


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Managing Workplace Relationships SAQA US252027
Motivation Training: Motivating Your Workforce
Operational Planning SAQA US252032
Problem Solving and Decision Making
Problem-Solving SAQA US242817
Project Management Bootcamp
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Self-Mastery and Emotional Intelligence
Systems Thinking Essentials - Understanding Complexity
The Accredited Professional Manager SAQA US252037
The Accredited Professional Supervisor
The Art of Delegating
The Professional Manager
The Professional Supervisor

This course is currently not active. Feel free to submit an enquiry.


This course is a 2-day overview of some key elements in Supervising others.  


Specific objectives of this workshop include:

  • Clarify roles and responsibilities of the new job.
  • Adjust to the new role with confidence and an assurance you can handle the position.
  • Develop skills in listening, asking questions, resolving conflict, and giving feedback to employees.
  • Develop a technique for giving employees clear instructions.
  • Identify techniques to deal with employee challenges, such as hostility, complaints, and laziness.
  • Understand the importance of developing good relationships with employees and peers.


Delivery Methods

Leading Training is focusing on providing virtual training courses for the foreseeable future and will only consider in-person and classroom training on request, with a required minimum group size of six delegates. We remain committed to offering training that is fast, focused and effective.


Supervisors, managers, team leaders, business owners



Course Outline / Curriculum

You will spend the first part of the day getting to know participants and discussing what will take place during the workshop. Students will also have an opportunity to identify their personal learning objectives.

  • Pre-Assignment Review
    • To begin, participants will discuss their pre-assignment in small groups.
  • Making the Transition
    • Next, participants will discuss how their role will change when they become a supervisor. They will also work on developing solutions to common concerns of new supervisors, such as, "How do I make sure employees recognize my new role and respect my position as a supervisor?"
  • Responsibilities of a Supervisor
    • During this session, participants will explore their three main areas of responsibility. They will also work through two case studies.
  • Setting Goals
    • This session will help participants set some SMART goals to help them succeed.
  • Planning for Success
    • Next, participants will discuss the value of short and long range planning.
  • Listening Skills
    • During this session, participants will learn about and practice active listening skills.
  • Asking Questions
    • This session will help participants develop another key communication skill: asking good questions.
  • Giving Feedback
    • Giving feedback is one of the most important skills for a supervisor, yet it can be the trickiest and most difficult management task. This session will help participants master this invaluable skill.
  • Ask for What You Want
    • Next, participants will learn some ways to ask for what they want, whether it's more staff, better resources, or a pay raise.
  • Giving Instructions
    • This session will give participants five keys to giving good instructions.
  • Orders, Requests, and Suggestions
    • During this session, participants will learn about these three specific types of instructions.
  • Managing Conflict
    • Unfortunately, supervisors are often called in to mediate conflicts. Participants will learn two different processes for managing conflict, and then they will practice those processes during a skill building exercise.
  • Dealing with Difficult Employees
    • Next, participants will discuss how to deal with four common types of problem employees: the over-dependent employee, the lazy employee, the hostile employee, and the chronic complainer.
  • Dealing with Others
    • This session will give participants some general tips to remember when dealing with others, including power talk and the rules of likeability.
  • The Reciprocal Quality of Relationships
    • To wrap up the day, participants will explore their personal network and how to be a positive influence in it.
  • Workshop Wrap-Up
    • At the end of the day, students will have an opportunity to ask questions and fill out an action plan.